ECO4 and GBIS Glossary

ECO4 and GBIS Glossary: Key Terms You Need to Know for Energy Saving Grants

Written by Kate Hallewell

ECO4 and GBIS are Government-designed grant schemes designed to improve energy efficiency in UK homes.

ECO4 primarily targets low-income households and vulnerable groups, while GBIS offers insulation grants to a broader range of households, including middle-income families. Both schemes aim to reduce energy consumption, lower bills, and cut carbon emissions.

This glossary aims to help applicants understand the language of these schemes and make the grants easier to navigate.

Comprehensive ECO4 and GBIS Abbreviations Table

ECO4Energy Company Obligation (Phase 4)The fourth phase of the ECO scheme, running from 2022 to 2026, focusing on improving energy efficiency in homes.
GBISGreat British Insulation SchemeA scheme running alongside ECO4, offering insulation grants to all households with broader eligibility.
HHCROHome Heating Cost Reduction ObligationA sub-obligation requiring suppliers to reduce heating costs for vulnerable and low-income households.
HWIHybrid Wall InsulationInsulation combining internal and external wall insulation for better thermal performance.
IMsInnovation MeasuresNew or advanced energy efficiency technologies approved under ECO4 and GBIS.
ISIncome SupportA welfare benefit for low-income households, that qualifies applicants to ECO4 and GBIS grants.
IWIInternal Wall InsulationInsulation applied to the internal surfaces of solid walls to improve thermal efficiency.
JSAIncome-based Jobseeker’s AllowanceA benefit that can qualify applicants to ECO4 and GBIS grants (only income-based JSA is an eligible benefit and not contribution-based or new style).
kWpKilowatts peakA measure of the output of a solar photovoltaic system under peak conditions.
LALocal AuthorityCouncils or administrative bodies involved in declaring households are eligible for ECO4 and GBIS funding.
LADLocal Authority DeliveryA funding initiative for local authorities to deliver energy efficiency measures.
LDECLoft Insulation DeclarationA document certifying the completion of loft insulation measures.
LPGLiquefied Petroleum GasA heating fuel often replaced with more efficient alternatives under ECO4 and GBIS.
LSOALower Super Output AreaA geographical area used for statistical reporting, often targeted for ECO4 and GBIS grants.
MCSMicrogeneration Certification SchemeA certification scheme for renewable energy technologies and installers.
MEESMinimum Level of Energy Efficiency StandardRegulations requiring properties to meet minimum energy performance standards.
MRMinimum RequirementThe least acceptable improvement for an ECO4 full project grant.
NICENational Institute for Health and Care ExcellenceAn organisation providing guidance on health and social care, including energy-related impacts.
NMAPNew Measures and ProductsNewly approved technologies or solutions eligible under ECO4 and GBIS.
OI FactorOrientation and Inclination FactorA variable affecting the performance of solar panels based on their position and angle.
ONSOffice for National StatisticsUK government agency providing data, including for ECO4 and GBIS target areas.
OOOwner OccupiedProperties owned and lived in by the owner, eligible for certain ECO4 and GBIS measures.
PASPublicly Available SpecificationStandards ensuring quality installations for energy efficiency measures, such as PAS 2030 and PAS 2035.
PCDBProduct Characteristics DatabaseA database of product specifications used in energy performance calculations.
PCGCPension Credit Guarantee CreditA benefit for low-income pensioners, used for ECO4 and GBIS eligibility.
PCSCPension Credit Savings CreditA supplement to Pension Credit Guarantee Credit, also used for ECO4 and GBIS eligibility.
PHIPark Home InsulationInsulation for park homes to improve thermal efficiency.
PIBIPre-installation Building InspectionAn assessment conducted before installing ECO4 or GBIS measures.
PICIPost Installation Customer and Installer DeclarationA document confirming the completion of ECO4 or GBIS measures.
PPMPre-payment MeterA type of energy meter, often associated with ECO4 or GBIS measures for vulnerable customers.
PRIPitched Roof InsulationInsulation applied to pitched roofs to reduce heat loss.
TRVsThermostatic Radiator ValvesValves that regulate radiator temperatures, often installed under ECO4 heating grants.

Why This Matters

ECO4 and GBIS are transforming homes across the UK, improving energy efficiency and reducing costs for households. Understanding these abbreviations ensures you can take full advantage of the grants available.

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Energy companies are funding home upgrades, but these grants will end once they’ve met their legal obligations—so they won’t be around for long.